مرکز مشاوره تخصصی 

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مقالات در رابطه با عسل گرده شناسی

Seyed-Amirkhani T. S., Masoumi S. M. 2023. Maize and Pincushion as two plants with giant pollen attractive to honey bees, The 5th National Conference on Sustainable Development in Agricultural, Natural Resources and Environment of
Iran. Tehran. P. 1-6. https://civilica.com/doc/1693586/ (In Persian).

Chahri Z., Amiri M., Masoumi S. M. 2024. The study of some important attractive pollens for honeybees in the west of Iran (Kermanshah, Ilam and Lorestan provinces). The 7th international Conference on The New Horizons in Science and Agricultural Engineering P.1-7. https://www.ahconf.ir/usersFiles/articleFiles2/ahconf7-02240211_2_240104145917.pdf

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